On Friday May 16th and Saturday May 17th of 2025, Saba Lions Club in cooperation with the Oranje Fonds will bring to you, the next edition of SABA DOET, the largest volunteer event on Saba and in the Kingdom.
SABA DOET: Saba's national volunteer event
The Saba Lions Club and the Oranje Fonds are proud to bring you SABA DOET on May 16 & 17, 2025.
The DOET initiative started within the Kingdom over 15 years ago, firstly in the Netherlands, with the Dutch Caribbean islands joining in shortly thereafter. Today there is NLdoet (The Netherlands), ARUBA DOET (Aruba), BON DOET (Bonaire), CURA DOET (Curaçao), STATIA DOET (St. Eustatius), SXM DOET (Sint Maarten) and SABA DOET (Saba). These initiatives highlight volunteering as well as volunteers themselves, while encouraging every one to roll up their sleeves for (part of) a day, giving everyone a fulllfilling and gratifying feeling of a day well spent, ensuring that community serving organizations get the help they need and deserve.
Heart and Soul
Volunteers are the heart and soul of community organizations and SABA DOET and the Oranje Fonds are emphasizing the importance for our community to have actively engaged citizens helping to make a difference as one whole unit. What’s more is that SABA DOET is on a mission to help improve the general idea of volunteering and community service by showing how fun and creative it can really be.
The Oranje Fonds & Saba Lions Club
The Oranje Fonds is the biggest national fund in the arena of social well-being and showcases the best the Kingdom has to offer. Around €30 million euros are spent each year supporting organizations and initiatives that strengthen social cohesion in The Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima are the official patrons of the Fund, as the organization was gifted to them on their wedding day in 2002. For more information visit www.oranjefonds.nl
Lions Club Saba is non-profit organization that supports the financing of programs and projects of various organizations via their crowd-funding platform. We also encourages volunteerism, “volun-tourism”, and philanthropy in the Saba community.
Contact us today
We are here to assist social organizations and volunteers with any questions and/or additional information. Please feel free to e-mail us at sabalionsdoet@gmail.com or call us at +599 4163700 or +599 4169500
Together We Achieve More! Take part in SABA DOET